PODCAST: Chaos Sedated #179

This week is a mix of death industrial and dark ambient featuring new music from Gruntsplatter, The Corvidae Cabal, The Vomit Arsonist, Dødsmaskin, Moral Order, Prurient, Svenska Likbränningsföreningen and more. Stream the episode on Mixcloud, Spotify and YouTube, or use the download link below.

Full playlist:
Gruntsplatter – Descending The Valley
The Corvidae Cabal – That Emptying Room
The Vomit Arsonist – Darkness Implacable
Prurient – Dead you are already
Stromstad – New Devoted Human
Moral Order – A Lie That Poisons You
Svenska Likbränningsföreningen – Balsameringshunger
Beckahesten – Ropet
AJNA – Two Red Moons

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