PODCAST: Chaos Sedated #176 Dominion of Flesh Live Mix

Chaos Sedated returns with a special live mix dedicated to the upcoming Dominion of Flesh: 5 Years of Cloister Recordings event in Stockholm, Sweden.

Dominion of Flesh: 5 Years of Cloister Recordings

Friday November 1:
Brighter Death Now
Blitzkrieg Baby (Debut Performance)
Moral Order

Saturday November 2:
Slow Slow Loris
Megaptera (Final Performance)

Tickets: https://secure.tickster.com/sv/pbx4er…

Da-Sein – Beauty For Ashes
Brighter Death Now – Prepared for Life (with A Knife)
Slow Slow Loris – In My Sweet Cauldron
Blitzkrieg Baby – Boys Will Be Boys
Moral Order – Kill
Hjärnkultur – Koma
Megaptera – Distinkt Killing
Trepaneringsritualen – Feral Me
Nordvargr – Salve Teragmon
ALVAR – Horsemen

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