While initially unfamiliar with Mind & Flesh, I immediately took notice of the Force Majeure label imprint (division of the legendary Nuit et Brouillard). It has been about 10 years since I heard anything from them, the last of which was the self-titled Maison Close CD. The only other projects on Force Majeure included Grunt and Slogun, so Mind & Flesh would be in good company. I also noticed that one track, “Purgatorium”, credits Atrax Morgue (the late great Marco Corbelli). After obtaining some promotional info, I realized that the man behind Mind & Flesh is Anders B., formally of the project Babyflesh, which had their debut album released on Corbelli’s Slaughter Productions. All the while I’m listening to this album, piecing together the puzzle of who this guy is, and realizing I’ve stumbled upon one of the most overlooked releases of 2012. Martyr Generation is an amalgam of old school Industrial cadence and cold Nordic ambience, creating a unique flavor of Death Industrial.
“Walking Target” describes what I see all around me, natural-born victims playing along with the system. Arrhythmic beats dull the senses while monotonous voices remind you that you are safe, nothing will harm you, as long as you play the game. “From the Cradle to the Grave” is standard fare, repetitive vibrating rhythms with wobbly vocal effects (flanged sound as if through a fan) are well implemented, but bring nothing really new to the table. The obvious comparison to “Alone Against All” would be late 90’s Brighter Death Now.