Halloween synthwave mix featuring new music from Neoslave, Hexenkraft, The Midnight, ALEX, Perturbator, Mega Drive and supporting GosT on tour with Dance with the Dead. Classics from Gunship, Carpenter Brut, Lazerhawk, Dan Terminus, topped off with Master Boot Record.
Stream and download at Radio Free Satan.
Full tracklist at Mixcloud and below the cut.
Special thanks to LAZERDISC RECORDS and NewRetroWave.
- 1 Supreme (feat. Hayley Stewart) by GosT
- 2 Tech Noir by Gunship
- 3 Vantablack by Perturbator
- 4 The Thing by Hexenkraft
- 5 Disco Zombi Italia by Carpenter Brut
- 6 Visceral Grit ’92 by Mega Drive
- 7 Soulreaper by Neoslave
- 8 Blood Moon by Dance with the Dead
- 9 River of Darkness (feat. Timecop1983) by The Midnight
- 10 Club Of The Damned by Meteor
- 11 Cursed II (feat. Tokyo Rose) by ALEX & Mecha Maiko
- 12 Massacre by Lazerhawk
- 13 The Chasm by Dan Terminus
- 14 DOOM by Master Boot Record
From my interview with Perturbator:
And the symbols? You often use the pentagram and some other hidden occult symbols throughout your art. How do those relate to your work?
The pentagram is a very strong symbol. Some people believe I just use it in order to “cash-in” on the symbol itself, or just to attract metal music enthusiasts. Truth is, a pentagram can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. And while I am unquestionably an atheist, this particular symbol means a lot of things to me in many ways, including on a very personal level. I see it (and use it) as a symbol of power, a gateway to something otherworldly and a reminder that there are still forces beyond human comprehension.
This aspect is, of course, really important to my music, as I create it to sound powerful and aggressive. It always relates to the project and its themes as well. The fantasy world of Perturbator is one where science and religion are constantly colliding with one another. I always try to use symbolism in thoughtful ways, rather than use it as a vessel for ideology or attach a blatant message to it. There are many layers of interpretation. And the way people react to the imagery of Perturbator can also say a lot of things about themselves. Is that person easily scared? Or is he/she willing to embrace it? Or maybe it’s just indifference? It’s always very fascinating to me.
From my interview with GosT:
I think there’s a dark current flowing through three artists in particular: yourself, Perturbator, and Carpenter Brut… something you’re tapping into maybe without knowing it. Do you feel like the three of you are operating on similar aesthetic, creative, and musical wavelengths? In what ways would you say you stand out?
We are all close personally and artistically. Synthwave has brought us together on a personal level and it just so happens we all come from very similar backgrounds musically as well. We all naturally and separately create a similar aesthetic and enjoy some of the same themes but it has been purely coincidental… I have been told that I am the darkest and the heaviest of the three which is something I completely agree with. Respectively though, we are all quite different in my opinion.
This past spring while waxing ecstatic about Dance with the Dead’s new album B-Sides: Volume 1, we lamented their lack of a proper U.S. tour amidst the sudden glut of dark synthwave acts who’d taken to the highways and byways of the U.S. The band had a one-off scheduled for the fall at the Days of Darkness Festival in Baltimore, but not much else.
Welp, that didn’t take long. Not only have Dance with the Dead announced a nearly SIX WEEK North American run surrounding that festival, but they’re taking along with them fellow dark synthwave phenom GosT, who all but lives on the road at this point. And MetalSucks is pleased as a punchy, sidechain-compressed analog beat to be sponsoring the entire thing, along with our pals and fellow synthwave lovers at New Retro Wave.