Rome (Jerome Reuter)


Chaos Sedated returns with a mix of psychedelic & apocalyptic folk, gloomy post-rock, and a dash of martial pop. Featuring Rome, Chelsea Wolfe, Der Blutharsch, David E. Williams, Destroying Angel, Dreadlords, Ostara, and more.

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Stream and download at Radio Free Satan.

Full tracklist at Mixcloud and below the cut.

Chaos Sedated Logo

  • 1 Sucht & Ordnung Track 1 by Der Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand
  • Wall Of Ice by Destroying Angel
  • Someday I Will Live My Life as a Horse by David E. Williams
  • Hypnos by Chelsea Wolfe
  • I Could Not Shift the Shadow by Current 93
  • Make You A Sword Of Me by Rome
  • Broken by Rome
  • The Caliphate by Ostara
  • 10 Beslan 2004 by Albireon
  • 11 Le Premier Souffle by Derniere Volonte
  • 12 Born In The Arms by Dreadlords
  • 13 Kill Your Friends by Dave and Jerry

Hear my interview with David E. Williams at Heathen Harvest.
Shop David E. Williams on Bandcamp.
Listen to more from these artists on Chaos Sedated #169, featuring Awen & Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio.

Live Report: Chelsea Wolfe & A Dead Forest Index in Los Angeles
There is an air of mystery which typically revolves around artists that find home in the “niche” or genre of Gothic, and this incontestably rings true with Chelsea Wolfe. The night was startlingly taken aback as “Demons” from the 2011 album, Apokalypsis enraptured all who were in the venue to hear; it is clear that the musicians who play alongside Chelsea Wolfe, as well as Chelsea herself have become a tight knit unit and their stage chemistry is undeniable. As the set continued on with “Carrion Flowers” from the highly-acclaimed 2015 album, Abyss, Chelsea treated the sold-out audience to a continuously hypnotizing performance. Unfortunately there were also some technical difficulties, but thankfully they were able to be sorted and the band managed to fill the time by playing instrumentally.

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